Organisational overview and external environment

  • Conciseness
  • Connectivity of information
  • Stakeholder relationships
  • Strategic focus and future orientation

Key observations:

Nedbank presents the vast majority of the performance data by reporting via the five stakeholder groups which were introduced in the opening pages through the non-financial highlights discussion on page 3 – staff, clients, shareholders, regulators and communities. For each group there is a summary which explains why the business engages with the stakeholder group, the types of engagement practices used and the results which have been seen to date. Bringing this feature to life, a quote from a member of the stakeholder group has been included which provides an insight into the type of feedback which the business receives.

After the initial summary overview by stakeholder group, Nedbank presents a double-page spread of more detailed information for each. Each group revisits the 2012 objectives with a clear explanation of achievements during the year, along with a visual icon which indicates whether performance has exceeded targets, been in line, or has not been achieved. Transparently Nedbank then identifies 2013 objectives which include a mix of quantitative and qualitative targets. Interestingly, for each area Nedbank has also identified ‘hot topics’ which appear to reference key areas which have been raised by the relevant stakeholder group. For each hot topic, the company’s response to these is outlined.

Further signposting has been included throughout to related information.