Risks and opportunities
- Stakeholder relationships
Key observations:
Banca Fideuram’s 2014 Report clearly and concisely identifies the primary stakeholder groups to which the bank is committed and upon which its strategic progress depends. These stakeholders are identified as customers, shareholders, colleagues, suppliers, community and environment. From pages 17 to 20, Banca Fideuram outlines the strategic significance of each stakeholder group, both in terms of key data, which are monitored for each, and in terms of influence/dependency. The distribution of wealth from the business to key stakeholders is also provided on page 19 for 2010 to 2014.
Banca Fideuram demonstrates in a table the main activities on which its business model relies, illustrating for each the type of risks to which the organisation is exposed, the mitigation measures adopted, the impact on the consolidated income statement, and the different groups of stakeholders involved.