Organisational overview and external environment
- Value creation
- Conciseness
- Connectivity of information
- Strategic focus and future orientation
Key observations:
As pointed out in the title and subtitle of the section “How do we do business? We explain how we have learned from past mistakes and how our culture helps us execute our strategy”, the organisation briefly explains through the narrative how the strategy is intertwined with culture both in conceptual and practical terms (pp. 42-48).
A graph accompanies the description by linearly portraying the material events that have impinged upon the ability of UBS to continue to create value, the main consequences that have derived from these events (International <IR> Framework para. 3.4.), the measures undertaken in order to face them, the outcomes achieved also in terms of success indicators/public recognition signals that it has obtained (pp. 42-43), thus “providing useful information to assess the plausibility of what has been reported concerning the present-to-future period […] and analysing current capabilities and the quality of management” (International <IR> Framework, para. 3.8).