- Value creation
- Materiality
- Stakeholder relationships
Key observations:
Swedish Export Credit Corporation’s (SEK’s) 2016 Annual Integrated Report contains a concise discussion on stakeholder dialogue which explains the channels through which SEK listens to various stakeholders’ concerns and what their primary expectations in terms of sustainability are.
Narrative initially provides background on the company’s approach to listening to stakeholders and that GRI is used in this regard (thereby aligning with 4H of the <IR> Framework which asks for justification for how the organisation determines which matters are to be included in the integrated report). A table then outlines eight stakeholder groups, the channels through which SEK engages with them, and each groups’ principal expectations of the company with regard to addressing sustainability issues. In light of this information, SEK then publishes a materiality matrix which plots the internal and external rankings of SEK’s material issues and categorises the impacts. This discussion aligns with both para. 3C (Stakeholder relationships) and para. 3D (Materiality) of the International <IR> Framework, as it shows how SEK has taken account of stakeholders’ interests and disclosed the perceived magnitude of key issues.