Mediclinic • Integrated Report • Business model

  • Value creation
  • Connectivity of information

Key observations:

Mediclinic’s business model in their 2017 Integrated Annual Report opens with a summary of the company’s vision, which provides context for the read of the discussion. The model initially shows the capital inputs Mediclinic rely on to create value (4.14 of the <IR> Framework). Page references, which aid report connectivity (3B), direct readers to supplementary discussions in the report and on the corporate website. A second box then highlights alignment with one of the <IR> Framework’s two fundamental concepts by focusing on how value is created (2B). This box discusses the areas which Mediclinic are investing in (facilities, staff and efficiency) and the service they provide (care) – the model’s output (4.18). A third box then indicates the model’s outcomes (4.19-4.20) and discusses and quantifies how specifically value is shared with stakeholder groups.