Ahold Delhaize • Annual Report • Business model
- Connectivity of information
Key observations:
Ahold Delhaize’s Annual Report 2019 gives a comprehensive explanation of the company’s value creation over two pages, across six groups of capitals. For each capital, the report gives:
- A one or two paragraph-long overview of the business activities and value created relating to that capital (as per para. 4.16 of the International <IR> Framework).
- Icons referring to the relevant growth drivers that are explained in detail earlier in the report (as per para. 3.8 of the International <IR> Framework).
- A list of the inputs relating to the capital, broken down by timeframe, including related strategic targets.
- A breakdown list of the outputs relating to the capital, supported by quantitative data where possible.
- The outcomes relating to the capital, divided by stakeholder affected.
The nature of the given outputs and outcomes is aligned with paragraphs 4.18 and 4.19 of the International <IR> Framework: the indicators identified under “Output” relate to the direct performance and by-products of Ahold Delhaize delivering its products and services. The indicators given under “Outcomes for our stakeholders” relate to the internal and external consequences of Ahold Delhaize’s business activities and outputs, ranging from granular outcomes expressed quantitatively to high-level qualitative outcomes for society and the environment.
Where performance against KPIs has been referenced as examples of outputs or outcomes, the report gives the previous year’s data in brackets, ensuring the reader understands the development occurring between past and current performance (para. 4.31 of the International <IR> Framework).