Business model

  • The capitals
  • Conciseness
  • Connectivity of information

Key observations:

Itaú Unibanco provides insights into its business model within a concise, focused report. To set the scene and guide readers, the report shares its own interpretation of the <IR> Framework’s business model definition. The report describes each of the organization’s individual businesses in the context of how they create value. This opening page also shows the connections to the company’s main risks.

The discussion is expanded on the following spread, which features the business model in diagrammatical form. Here, the report identifies the internal and external factors that influence the company’s ability to create value. Notably, the diagram also connects the business model to the concept of shared value. It does so by identifying the benefits that accrue to, for example, the company’s employees and to broader society. This provides the reader with a more holistic view of the business.

While the six capitals on which Itaú Unibanco relies (or has an impact) on are not explicitly named in this diagram, they have been defined at the front end of the report and assigned icons for easy navigation.