Itochu Corporation • Annual Report • 2014 • Business model

  • The capitals
  • Conciseness
  • Connectivity of information
  • Stakeholder relationships

Key observations:

This report dedicates four pages to providing an interesting insight into ITOCHU’s multifaceted business model within which more than 200 subsidiaries and 100 associated companies are managed.

By showing the business transformation from a traditional trading house to an expanding multifaceted company in a diagram, the report connects the information that relates to different time scales. This is effective as readers can analyse what constitutes the company’s strength today as well as understanding the capitals accumulated over years.

ITOCHU Corporation’s business model consists of two key elements and identifies both internal and external resources which underpin the business model. Key resources are closely interrelated and function as vital components in the process of complex business activities. The report sheds a light on these in a later chapter by including some real business cases.