Sage • Annual Report • Business model
- The capitals
- Value creation
- Connectivity of information
- Strategic focus and future orientation
Key observations:
Sage's business model discussion spans four pages, presenting a comprehensive insight into value creation at the company. The diagrams utilize both narrative descriptions as well as quantitative measures to highlight performance. The graphic on pages 12-13 identifies the key inputs and activities of the company’s business model that enable it to create value for a variety of stakeholders including shareholders, employees, and society as a whole. Effort has been made to quantify the actual value created in financial terms, and further context is provided by including year-over-year trending and explanations in the footnotes.
The diamond diagram on page 13 depicts the four aspects of the business model – attract, activate, retain and grow – and notes that the company’s strategy is core to the overall business model. Additional detail on the linkage between strategy and business model can be found via cross-reference on pages 24-35 of the report.
The report also outlines the specific growth drivers attached to each component of the business model providing a glimpse into the company’s strategic objectives. Various KPIs and other metrics are noted for each component of the business model, which when coupled with the sources of revenue information (also on page 15) provide insight into past performance and opportunities for growth and improvement in the coming years.