Business model

  • The capitals
  • Value creation

Key observations:

Aggreko's business model takes the form of a value creation discussion outlining the key inputs, processes and outputs of the company's operations. Beginning with the first of these factors on pages 16-17, Aggreko's business model accounts for both the financial and non-financial resources and relationships that contribute to the Group's capacity to create value, including a strong balance sheet, a dedicated workforce and intellectual innovation. The value from the Group's operations ranges from traditional shareholder returns to community investment, global employment, macro-economic contributions and infrastructure report.

The process that transforms Aggreko's resources into shared value is described as the project life cycle, which is explored in more detail on pages 18-19.  Succinct narrative discussion accompanies several metrics and figures to provide context for each step in the project life cycle. 

Pages 20-21 outline the key resources which Aggreko draws upon to create value.  Aggreko has elected to use its own terminology (i.e. ‘supply chain’ and ‘design and manufacture’) when characterizing and describing these inputs.  Even so, the resources noted align well with the capitals presented in the <IR> Framework.