· Business model
- Connectivity of information
- Stakeholder relationships
- Strategic focus and future orientation
Key observations:
CIMA's business model and strategy discussion provides insight into the five key components of the Group's value creation process (acquire, deepen, retain, fulfil, and reputation & research). The diagram on the opening pages of the report introduces these topics in a business model diagram, and each of these components is then discussed individually in further detail later in the report. These sections highlight recent accomplishments as well as planned initiatives for the coming year and the related priorities in the 2020 strategy.
CIMA's 2014 Annual Report is available online as an interactive digital document. This enables the reader to navigate through the report using hyperlinks and to easily see the connectivity between the various components of the business model and the overall relationship with the organization's strategic plans. (Note: The report is also available for download/printing as a PDF document.)