Business model

  • The capitals
  • Value creation
  • Strategic focus and future orientation

Key observations:

Royal Bakofeng Platinum’s business model centres on the fundamental concept of long-term value creation and how the organization draws on 6 capital stocks whilst operating and growing its business. In compliance with paragraphs 4.12-4.13 of the International <IR> Framework, each capital is discussed in terms of ‘inputs and activities’ and ‘outputs and outcomes’, with a circular diagram representing how value is interrelated in building a sustainable business and creating shared value for stakeholders. 4 strategic goals are also outlined in the centre of the diagram whilst sustainability, risk management, assurance and governance are shown to be core factors throughout the value creation process. The pages following this section define the 6 <IR> capitals further, thereby demonstrating why they are included in the business model,  and also Royal Bakofeng Platinum’s objective to achieve ‘more than mining’.