Business model
- Value creation
- Conciseness
- Connectivity of information
Key observations:
Mondi’s 2016 Integrated Report presents a business model that effectively integrates and summarises a wide variety of information without sacrificing the quality of the overall discussion. ‘The Mondi Way’ is initially depicted, which outlines how the organisation’s purpose, strategy, operating framework, and culture and values feed into each other. The discussion then provides summary information on the classes of risk that Mondi manages that could also impact the model. Mondi’s value chain is then illustrated alongside information on both inputs (4.14-4.15 of the <IR> Framework) and quantified outputs (4.18).
Mondi’s business model is particularly effective as it exhibits qualities outlined in 4.13 of the <IR> Framework: explicit identification of key elements, a simple diagram highlighting these, and narrative flow that is logical for the organisation.