Business model

  • Value creation
  • Connectivity of information
  • Stakeholder relationships

Key observations:

In the section dedicated to ‘Our key relationships’, the Vodacom Integrated Report 2016 outlines in a table: the key internal and external stakeholders that have an impact on the organization’s ability to create value; the ways in which the organization maintains links with them; the primary interests advanced by stakeholders; and the ways in which Vodacom responds to these interests, with cross-references to other reports (International <IR> Framework, para. 3C). This table is clearly identified in the Report as linked to the ‘Integrated Thinking approach’ that characterises the organization (About this Report), in line with the Framework:  “The more integrated thinking is embedded in the business, the more likely it is that a fuller consideration of key stakeholders’ legitimate needs and interests is incorporated as an ordinary part of conducting business” (International <IR> Framework, para. 3.13).