Business model

  • Value creation
  • Connectivity of information

Key observations:

FMO demonstrates the guiding principle of ‘Connectivity’ (International <IR> Framework, para. 3B) and in particular to the view that “An integrated report should show a holistic picture of the combination, interrelatedness and dependencies between the factors that affect the organization’s ability to create value over time” (International <IR> Framework, para. 3.6). FMO presents in a table how its 2016 strategic priorities are interconnected with: the external environment, the needs of stakeholders, the KPIs that measure the results achieved, and the main 2016 targets. It also makes the link with the paragraphs with information on the performance obtained. The report is well presented and logically structured (International <IR> Framework, para. 3.9) and the value creation process undertaken is easy follow and understand.