Redefine Properties • Integrated Report • Governance

  • Value creation
  • Conciseness

Key observations:

Redefine Properties’ 2016 Integrated Report includes a Summarised Corporate Governance Review which concisely (adhering to 3E of the <IR> Framework) shows the activities by which each of the company’s committees have supported, and will continue to support, value creation (a fundamental concept of the <IR> Framework). For each of the five committees a pie chart shows the percentage time spent on key topics over the past year; for example, the ‘Social, ethics and transformation committee’ spent time addressing sustainability, stakeholder engagement, and social and economic development. Bullet points then show each committees’ focus areas for the upcoming year, thereby indicating how Redefine Properties will support value creation in the future.

By highlighting past and planned activities, the report aligns with 4.9 of the <IR> Framework which calls for insight into “particular actions those charged with governance have taken to influence and monitor the strategic direction of the company”. Additional congruence is shown through an explanatory paragraph in the Remuneration Committee discussion which outlines that the Board aims to link the governance of remuneration with the achievement of strategic objectives.