Grieg Seafood • Annual Report • Performance
- Materiality
- Reliability and completeness
- Strategic focus and future orientation
Key observations:
Grieg Seafood’s Annual Report 2019 begins by giving a concise overview of performance against strategy (para. 4.30 of the International <IR> Framework), in the form of a performance scoreboard containing past performance data and a target for its KPIs in each ‘pillar’ of its business strategy. Summarizing their performance against their strategic KPIs so early in the report means Grieg are able to introduce a strategic focus (para. 3.3 of the International <IR> Framework), which is built on in subsequent sections of the report as the ‘pillars’ and performance introduced in the scorecard are expanded upon.
The scoreboard also has a traffic light-style colour icon for each KPI as an assessment of performance for each: green showing that the target has been achieved, yellow showing that performance is on track to meet the target, and red showing unsatisfactory performance. Being clear where Grieg assesses its own performance as being unsatisfactory enhances the reliability and completeness of the report (para. 3.39 of the International <IR> Framework.