The Crown Estate · Integrated Report 2020 · Performance
- Reliability and completeness
- Strategic focus and future orientation
Key observations:
The Crown Estate uses a table format to outline its performance, and clearly shows how its KPIs are aligned with its strategic objectives (in line with paragraph 4.30 of the International <IR> Framework). For each strategic objective, The Crown Estate explains why the strategic objective is important to the company, and highlights their alignment with the capitals. The Crown Estate also acknowledges its 2019/20 targets, sets out its priorities for 2020/21, and uses icons to indicate whether The Crown Estate has achieved, missed or is on track to meet its targets. Furthermore, the company provides page links to additional information on the KPIs, where it provides more in-depth narrative detail on the company’s performance.
The Crown Estate provides a complementary report on ‘Sustainability: Performance against our capitals’ (PAC), which outlines in more detail how The Crown Estate’s activity enhances or diminishes the value of its capitals (resources and relationships).