Redefine Properties • Integrated Report • Risks and opportunities

  • The capitals
  • Connectivity of information
  • Stakeholder relationships
  • Strategic focus and future orientation

Key observations:

Redefine Properties’ ‘Top-of-mind risks and opportunities’ spread demonstrates strong connectivity (para. 3B of the International <IR> Framework) and strategic focus and future orientation (para. 3A). After a brief introduction, two risk heat matrices are shown, which plot ‘An 18 month time horizon’ and ‘A five year time horizon’ for risks weighed against ‘Impact of Redefine’ and ‘Likelihood of risk occurring’, thereby demonstrating long-term thinking.

Ten risks are then ordered, with their previous position in the list also highlighted, and are discussed in terms of both ‘opportunities’ and ‘strategic response to risks’. Alignment with para. 4.24 of the International <IR> Framework is shown as icons indicate which capitals are impacted by each of the ten risks. Further icons then summarise which stakeholder goals and strategic matters are also impacted, showing additional congruence with the International <IR> Framework (para. 3.8) which outlines connectivity between content elements as a key factor of integrated reports.