Strategy and resource allocation

  • Connectivity of information
  • Strategic focus and future orientation

Key observations:

PUMA presents – for the first time – an environmental profit and loss account which aims to demonstrate 'how much our planet would ask to be paid for the services it provides to PUMA if it was a business' and 'how much it would charge to clean up the ‘footprint’ through pollution and damage that PUMA leaves behind?', while also setting out the future targets for the business.

PUMA explains the rationale for adopting an environmental profit and loss and the benefits which the business has, and will, experience as a result. To explain the impacts which PUMA has on the environment, the business firstly identified all of the impacts which the business has throughout the production cycle. The company then goes onto identify specific and detailed targets to 2015, setting a clear insight into the future direction of the business.