Royal Bafokeng Platinum Ltd • Integrated Report • Risks and opportunities
- The capitals
- Connectivity of information
- Materiality
Key observations:
Royal Bakofeng Platinum’s 2016 Integrated Report demonstrates alignment with the <IR> Framework in several areas. Firstly, the report discusses both opportunities and risks, which is called for by 4.23-4.26. As well as showing actions that have been taken in regard to these risks and opportunities, the report indicates which actions will be taken in the upcoming year, thereby demonstrating future orientation.
Secondly, the report shows connectivity in reporting (3B) by linking the risks and opportunities discussions to material issues (3D), which themselves are linked to strategic pillars and the capitals (2C: a fundamental concept of the <IR> Framework). Icons in a ‘Performance’ column shown whether the actions taken over the last year have successfully been completed or not.