
This section lists those listed companies whose latest reports (2023, 2024) meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Report mentions ‘Integrated Reporting Framework’ (or ‘IIRC’).
  2. Report includes ‘value creation’ model or ’capitals’.

No quality assessment was involved in compiling this list of reporters.

To the extent permitted by applicable law the IFRS Foundation expressly disclaims all liability howsoever arising from, but not limited to, consultation, use and/or review of this Integrated Reporting Examples Database, whether in contract, tort or otherwise (including, but not limited to, liability for any negligent act or omission) to any person in respect of any claims or losses of any nature including direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss, punitive damages, penalties or costs.

Information contained in this Database does not constitute advice and should not be substituted for the services of an appropriately qualified professional.

Company name Industry Sector Country Report period
Rabobank International/IndiaCommercial BanksFinancialsIndia2024
Rainbow Children's Medicare LtdHealth Care DeliveryHealth CareIndia2024
Raizen SABiofuelsRenewable Resources & Alternative EnergyBrazil2023
Rajratan Global Wire LtdIron & Steel ProducersExtractives & Minerals ProcessingIndia2024
RAK Ceramics Bangladesh LtdBuilding Products & FurnishingsConsumer GoodsBangladesh2024
Raksul IncInternet Media & ServicesTechnology & CommunicationsJapan2024
Rallis India LtdChemicalsResource TransformationIndia2024
Ramco Cements Ltd/TheConstruction MaterialsExtractives & Minerals ProcessingIndia2024
Ramsay Health Care LtdHealth Care DeliveryHealth CareAustralia2023
Rand Water Services Pty LtdWater Utilities & ServicesInfrastructureSouth Africa2024
Randon SA Implementos e ParticipacoesIndustrial Machinery & GoodsResource TransformationBrazil2024
Randstad NVProfessional & Commercial ServicesServicesNetherlands2024
RBL Bank LtdCommercial BanksFinancialsIndia2024
REC LtdCommercial BanksFinancialsIndia2024
Reckitt Benckiser Bangladesh PLCHousehold & Personal ProductsConsumer GoodsBangladesh2023
Red Electrica Corp SAElectric Utilities & Power GeneratorsInfrastructureSpain2024
Rede D'Or Sao Luiz SAHealth Care DeliveryHealth CareBrazil2024
Redefine Properties LtdReal estateInfrastructureSouth Africa2023
Regnis Lanka PLCAppliance ManufacturingConsumer GoodsSri Lanka2023
Reliance Industries LtdOil & Gas – Refining & MarketingExtractives & Minerals ProcessingIndia2023-2024
REN - Redes Energeticas Nacionais SGPS SAElectric Utilities & Power GeneratorsInfrastructurePortugal2024
Renergen LtdOil & Gas – Exploration & ProductionExtractives & Minerals ProcessingSouth Africa2024
ReNew Energy Global PLCWind Technology & Project DevelopersRenewable Resources & Alternative EnergyIndia2023-2024
Residences Dar SaadaReal estateInfrastructureMorocco2024
Resilient REIT LtdReal estateInfrastructureSouth Africa2024
Resona Holdings IncCommercial BanksFinancialsJapan2024
Reunert LtdHardwareTechnology & CommunicationsSouth Africa2024
RFG Holdings LtdProcessed FoodsFood & BeverageSouth Africa2023
RH Bophelo LtdAsset Management & Custody ActivitiesFinancialsSouth Africa2024
RHB Bank BhdCommercial BanksFinancialsMalaysia2024
Ricoh Co LtdHardwareTechnology & CommunicationsJapan2023
Ricoh Leasing Co LtdHardwareTechnology & CommunicationsJapan2023
Riken CorpAuto PartsTransportationJapan2023
Riken Vitamin Co LtdProcessed FoodsFood & BeverageJapan2024
RIL Property LtdHome BuildersInfrastructureSri Lanka2024
Rinnai CorpAppliance ManufacturingConsumer GoodsJapan2023
RITES LtdEngineering & Construction ServicesInfrastructureIndia2023-2024
RMB Holdings LtdCommercial BanksFinancialsSouth Africa2023
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities Fund NVAir Freight & LogisticsTransportationNetherlands2023
Rogers & Co LtdAir Freight & LogisticsTransportationMauritius2024
Rohm Co LtdSemiconductorsTechnology & CommunicationsJapan2024
Rossari Biotech LtdChemicalsResource TransformationIndia2024
Royal Bafokeng Platinum LtdMetals & MiningExtractives & Minerals ProcessingSouth Africa2023
Royal Ceramics Lanka PLCBuilding Products & FurnishingsConsumer GoodsSri Lanka2024
Royal Schiphol Group NVProfessional & Commercial ServicesServicesNetherlands2024
Royal Swaziland Sugar Corp LtdAgricultural ProductsFood & BeverageEswatini2023
Runner Automobiles PLCAutomobilesTransportationBangladesh2023-2024
Rupali Bank LtdCommercial BanksFinancialsBangladesh2024
Ryman Healthcare LtdHealth Care DeliveryHealth CareNew Zealand2024