
This section lists those listed companies whose latest reports (2023, 2024) meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Report mentions ‘Integrated Reporting Framework’ (or ‘IIRC’).
  2. Report includes ‘value creation’ model or ’capitals’.

No quality assessment was involved in compiling this list of reporters.

To the extent permitted by applicable law the IFRS Foundation expressly disclaims all liability howsoever arising from, but not limited to, consultation, use and/or review of this Integrated Reporting Examples Database, whether in contract, tort or otherwise (including, but not limited to, liability for any negligent act or omission) to any person in respect of any claims or losses of any nature including direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss, punitive damages, penalties or costs.

Information contained in this Database does not constitute advice and should not be substituted for the services of an appropriately qualified professional.

Company name Industry Sector Country Report period
V-Mart Retail LtdMultiline and Specialty Retailers & DistributorsConsumer GoodsIndia2023
VA Tech Wabag LtdEngineering & Construction ServicesInfrastructureIndia2023
Vaisala OyjElectrical & Electronic EquipmentResource TransformationFinland2024
Vakrangee LtdSoftware & IT ServicesTechnology & CommunicationsIndia2023
Vale SAMetals & MiningExtractives & Minerals ProcessingBrazil2024
ValeoAuto PartsTransportationFrance2024
Vallibel Finance PLCConsumer FinanceFinancialsSri Lanka2024
Vallibel One PlcConsumer FinanceFinancialsSri Lanka2024
Vallibel Power Erathna PLCElectric Utilities & Power GeneratorsInfrastructureSri Lanka2024
Vamos Locacao de Caminhoes Maquinas e Equipamentos SACar Rental & LeasingTransportationBrazil2024
Van Lanschot Kempen NVAsset Management & Custody ActivitiesFinancialsNetherlands2024
Vancouver City Savings Credit UnionAsset Management & Custody ActivitiesFinancialsCanada2024
Vasta Platform LtdEducationServicesBrazil2023
Vattenfall ABElectric Utilities & Power GeneratorsInfrastructureSweden2024
Vedanta LtdMetals & MiningExtractives & Minerals ProcessingIndia2024
Vedanta Resources LtdMetals & MiningExtractives & Minerals ProcessingIndia2023-2024
Velesto Energy BhdOil & Gas – ServicesExtractives & Minerals ProcessingMalaysia2024
Ventia Services Group Pty LtdEngineering & Construction ServicesInfrastructureAustralia2024
VEON LtdTelecommunication ServicesTechnology & CommunicationsNetherlands2024
Vestel Beyaz Esya Sanayi ve Ticaret ASAppliance ManufacturingConsumer GoodsTurkey2024
Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret ASHardwareTechnology & CommunicationsTurkey2024
Vitura SAReal estateInfrastructureFrance2023
Vodacom Group LtdTelecommunication ServicesTechnology & CommunicationsSouth Africa2024
Voltas LtdEngineering & Construction ServicesInfrastructureIndia2024
VRG SAApparelConsumer GoodsPoland2023
Vukile Property Fund LtdReal estateInfrastructureSouth Africa2024
Vunani LtdInvestment Banking & BrokerageFinancialsSouth Africa2024